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Shame and Poverty

On the surface, everything was fine. I had long gotten through the really dark time of ending my relationship with my husband, and was even starting a new relationship. My 2 young children were perfect in themselves and well settled into the new arrangements. I worked full time in media in London and had a foot on the ladder in my shared ownership flat. London property! I wanted everyone to think I was doing fine. I hoped no one would look past the surface and see how I was paying for all this.  Truth was, I was drowning in debt and I was ashamed. I wasn’t supposed to be struggling. I have a degree, I have a full time proper job. People like me don’t struggle with money! I was always good with money! It all began with summer holiday childcare. £1800 for two children. I had to get an overdraft for that. Before I knew it, I was taking money from one credit card to pay the other... I did that for months. I hoped that if I could just keep my head out the water, when both kids were

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